Belle de jour - Belles de nuit ; flowers and movies

Publié le par deslilas

"Night beauties" and "Beauty of the day" for a child and a teen ager were two movies. The first one by René Clair with Gina Lollobrigida and  Gérard Philippe, the second by Luis Bunuel with Catherine Deneuve and Michel Piccoli.
"Four'o clock" (mirabilis jalapa) and "Morning glory" (ipomea) are two interesting flowers, one is open when the other is closed.

"Belles de jour", "Belle de nuit". Deux films, deux fleurs.
René Clair, G. Lollobrigida, G. Philippe, mirabilis jalapa d'un côté.
Luis Bunuel, C. Deneuve, M. Piccoli, ipomée de l'autre.
Quand l'une s'ouvre l'autre se ferme selon l'ensoleillement.
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Now I got your site!<br /> And now I understand your Finnish words :)<br /> Do you visit Finland often? During summers?<br /> Beautiful flower photos you have today.
I need some morning glories in my life and will plant some next year. Pretty photos.