I've been tagged

Publié le par deslilas

Some days ago, I was « tagged » by Wassenaardailyphoto. It’s a hard job to cope with that especially when one doesn’like to talk about oneself (even lying on a couch). 

8 things unknown about me up till now.
1. My first blog 3 years ago was about a local french association.
2. My second one was about the life of an unknown man who was a french minister of the Marine : Comte Arnail François de Jaucourt (1757-1852).
3. My third one was opened at the beginning of this year and is about french politics and some facts about Scandinavia and Northern european countries.
4. My wife has discovered the Dailyphoto blogs and now she regrets she told me.
5. I am a fan of Leonard Cohen and lots of singers.
6. I love books, old postcards, waterpumps, water and snow.
7. I lived two years in the south of Tunisia.
8. I’m a french man, my wife is both finnish and french, my daughter is swedish and french, my son is french and my dog is a poodle. Everything occured before the DNA tests for family “regroupement”.
Now I’ll tag some of my blog friends like :
La République des fourmis, Compas, Nicolas Simiot, Tildi Horton, Mandy, Nana de Vitry le François, La Mare aux fées de Outines…
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Hehe, that's a cute little outfit there. ;)